
Holiday Card Wreath

By Roseann Sicola, Macaroni Kid Warren December 7, 2011

Thankfully, I have not yet received any holiday cards.  I say thankfully, because as soon as the first one comes, I will be gripped with anxiety over the fact that I haven't even started mine yet!  However, once they do start arriving, we'll be putting them on our Holiday Card Wreath. 

How do you display your holiday cards?  In the past, we have tacked ours to our kitchen cabinets, but last year I tried something different.  I took down my "Thankful Tree" and then had a big blank wall, so instead of putting the pictures back up, I created a construction paper wreath with the kids.

My oldest loves practicing his cutting, so he cut out the leaves after I drew the shapes on construction paper, and both he and my 2-year old thought it was great that they got to stand on the kitchen table to put the leaves, berries and pine cones (all created out of construction paper) on the wall. We used tape to attach everything, since I eventually plan to paint the wall, but you could also use fun tack.  I also added Advent candles, and each week we add another flame to another candle - Christmas is getting so close! 

We put all the holiday cards we've received into the wreath, and the kids love looking at them while we eat.