
Handmade Fun! Milk Jug Catchers & Newspaper Balls

By Jamie Twarogowski July 21, 2015
Make the equipment for a rousing game of catch with stuff you can find around the house. These Milk Jug Catchers and Newspaper Balls are simple to make and fun for all ages. Gallon sized milk jugs are perfect for younger kids while the half-gallon size works great for your older kids.

To make a set of two catchers, you will need:
  • 2 plastic milk jugs, rinsed and dried
  • Scissors
  • Decorative tape
To make a ball, you will need:
  • Newspaper
  • Decorative tape
For the catchers, cut the bottom off the milk jug, leaving the entire handle intact. This step is best completed by an adult or older child. Use the decorative tape to cover the edges. This makes your catchers both fun and safe. Your kiddos can even decorate and personalize their catchers with paint, markers, more tape, etc.

For the balls, simply crumple up a bunch of newspaper as large as you want the ball to be, then cover with decorative tape.

Now see how many times you can toss and catch the ball back and forth. Or add an extra ball or two for some more challenging fun!